Response to COVID-19
Dear Friends,
I know that this is a difficult and strange time for all of us—the COVID-19 pandemic has halted the churn of social life, pausing almost all human interaction. Theaters, gyms, and shopping malls have closed. Live events cancelled. Restaurants are open only for takeout and delivery.
As we all practice social distancing in order to slow the spread of the virus, however, a coronavirus culture is emerging, spontaneously and creatively, to deal with new restrictions on daily life and the tedious isolation of quarantine. People are coming up with incredibly imaginative ways to find connections even when they’re not able to be in the same physical space together.
It is in this spirit (pun intended!) that I have temporarily discounted the cost of private readings by 50%. Close physical proximity is not a requirement for Spirit communication to occur—I am able to connect with your loved ones with you simply on the phone or over video conferencing.
Connection is so critical to humanity. If you are looking to use this time spent at home for personal growth or healing, I encourage you to enjoy the lower rates and schedule a reading with me and Spirit today. Stay safe!
Lotta love,