What are they thinking?
When someone we love crosses over, we go through many levels of emotions, grief, and many times have several questions related to their death. Did my loved one suffer, were they afraid, were they alone, are common questions that are on our minds and in our thoughts after the passing.
Other common thoughts, “Where are they?”, “Can they still see me?”, “Can they hear me?”
One question or thought that usually does not enter our minds is, “What are they thinking?” That is the million-dollar question and is there a way to get an answer to this question?
One way to get an answer is to listen to the experiences of individuals who have had NDE’s, near death experiences. Most of the details you will hear when someone is summarizing their NDE’s, are about sensations they felt, including detachment from their body, feelings of levitation, total serenity, security, warmth, and the presence of light. Sometimes the person will talk about who they saw or felt and what they heard from a particular entity. This could be from a loved one who has already crossed over or a message from a beam of light. Those are the experiences that come closest to answering the questions of what spirit is doing, where they are and maybe, what they are thinking.
Another way is to try to get the answer yourself. Every single person on this earth is intuitive. Whether you believe it or not, you are intuitive. Of course, there are different levels of intuition and which level you are currently settled at is comprised of many factors that are too voluminous to get into in this newsletter.
If you are interested in tapping into a loved one’s thoughts, try this exercise.
1) Get in a comfortable position, preferably sitting for this exercise.
3) If you have a picture or some material item that your loved one, that you are connecting with, had, place it in front of you or you can also hold it.
4) Close your eyes, take a deep breath in, hold for about 5 seconds, and then exhale (inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth).
5) Request that (either mentally or vocally) your loved one comes to you and stands next to you.
6) Ask them directly, “What are you thinking?” But also add a couple more questions like, “Are you proud of me?”, “Do you support my decisions?”, “Do you want me happy?”
7) Thank them, tell them you love them and close the experience by saying, “I surrender this to MY universe.”
If you are lucky, you may get a response of some sort as you are doing the exercise. Most of us will not get something that fast. Another important part of this exercise is after its completed, doing your best to stay in the present as much as you can. But what does that mean and how do YOU do that?
As an example, the day after you do this exercise, you may be driving in your car and another car gets in front of you that has your loved one’s initials on that license plate. The license plate may say “Love” or may have a bumper sticker that says, “I support you.” If your mind is on other things, maybe thinking about all the things you must accomplish that day, there is a very high probability that you are going to miss the sign your loved one put in front of you.
However, if you are in the present moment, you will see the message on the license plate and know exactly what your loved one is thinking and know that they do support everything you are doing in your life.
From all my experiences doing readings and connecting people with their loved ones in spirit, the thoughts that I have continuously felt from spirit are, “How can I get through to my son, daughter, grandchild, etc., a message that says, “I am here, I love you, I am guiding you and it will be ok”.
That is the primary thing that spirit is thinking. They want to let you know they are here for you, they continue to walk with you on your journey, they want you to be happy and enjoy this time on earth, and remind you that you will be reunited one day.
Remember, we come to this earth in a cluster of souls. The other souls that accompanied you as you came to earth play different characters in your life. You build relationships with them and are fortunate to experience this journey with them. If they cross over before you, that bond you created here does not end and they continue to want to be part of your life.
Imagine if you fell into a deep well. You landed at the base of the well, about 50 feet down from the opening of the well. Your friend, who was with you, is at the top of the well, looking down and asking are you ok and letting you know everything will be fine. Your friend is going to do whatever they can to help you and get you out of there including reminding you that they are right there. If they must leave temporarily to get help, they will return to you and never let you be alone for too long.
That is exactly what your loved ones in spirit are thinking every day. Those thoughts are converted into signs sent from spirit to you so do yourself a favor and watch for them.