Assign a Sign

How many of you think your loved ones in spirit have sent you a sign?  The answer, every one of you has had a sign sent to you from spirit.  Your loved ones in spirit send daily signs to you. Never doubt that concept. The issue isn’t with signs spirit sends; the issue is you seeing them

What are examples of signs spirit sends? The list is endless but some of the common ones include:

              -Birds, dragonflies, butterflies, feathers around you

              -Finding coins or rocks shaped like hearts

              -Smelling Fragrances/scents

              -Dreams (visits)

              -Seeing consecutive numbers, i.e., 222, 444, 999

              -Lights blinking, phone acting weird, tv going on by itself

              -Random thoughts popping into your head

-Animals acting strangely or being overly affectionate when you are dealing with a difficult or sad situation. 

One day you may be sitting outside and a blue jay lands on a tree branch that is very close to you. He stares at you, starts squawking for 5 seconds and then flies away. Was that a sign or was it just what birds do? Did it have anything to do with you? How do you know? 

There are many ways to assess whether something is a sign or not. Let’s keep with the blue jay example.

1)  When the blue jay landed on the branch, what was the status of your mind?  Were you thinking about what you have to do that day? Were you feeling like there isn’t enough time in the day to get everything done? Were you on your phone and just looked up and saw the bird?  Or were you gazing over the space in front of you, looking at specific things, not thinking of anything special, just relaxing?

If you were doing the latter, most likely that blue jay was sent by a loved one in spirit. The probability decreases if you were in any of the other headspaces mentioned. This doesn’t mean signs can’t happen when your mind is there, but the probability lessens. 

Why is that?  Because except for the last thing mentioned, you were most likely not in the present.  The magic of signs occurs when you are in the present, being aware of everything around you. A good example of not being in the present is when you are driving somewhere, maybe you are also on the phone, and once you get to your destination, you realize you have no recollection of going by certain streets or areas that you did drive by. 

2)  Another way to figure out if it was a sign, think about what is going on in your life close to the day you saw a possible sign. Say you were going to the market and as soon as you stepped out of your car into the market parking lot you saw a dime lying on the ground. Think about what is coming up or just passed at that point that is connected to you. If your grandmother, who is in spirit, has a birthday the following day, chances are your grandmother had you cross paths with that coin, so you knew it was a sign from her

If it’s your mom’s birthday in a couple of days and your dad is in spirit, there is a high probability that the sign came from him to wish your mom a happy birthday and to let you know he is with you. It could be a graduation near, an anniversary of death, an anniversary of someone being sober, etc.  

A good mark to use is 2/3 weeks either backward or forward to evaluate. If something is occurring in that timeframe, you can feel confident that it is most likely a sign from spirit

3) My favorite way to know if something is a sign is to “ASSIGN A SIGN.”  Most people are not aware that they can assign a particular sign to a loved one in spirit and that becomes their special connection to their loved one

As an example, if your grandfather went to the races to place bets when he was living and his favorite number that he played was 444, you may want to assign that number to him. How do you do that? Select a comfortable place to sit or lie down at a time you won’t be interrupted. Take a couple of deep breaths in, inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth, and feel your body sinking into your chair or bed, etc., when you exhale. 

Close your eyes and in your third eye, imagine there is a room, with two doors, each door on opposite sides of the room. In your thoughts or out loud, ask your grandfather to please come to this room now so you can see each other. You walk in one door, he walks in the other door, and you hug each other. Tell him you would like to assign the sign of 444 as his calling card to you. 

Tell him that number is significant to you and as of right now, that is the dominant sign you want him to send you. Make sure you thank him, hug him and then you both exit out of the respective doors you entered. Inhale one more deep breath, exhale and open your eyes.

At this point, your grandfather is clear that he needs to show you 444. This could be on a license plate or seeing 4:44 several time a week when you look at your phone, waking up in the middle of the night, checking your phone or watch and its 4:44 in the morning, staying in a hotel and the room number is 444, pumping gas and the pump stops at 44.44. There are so many ways your grandfather can send you 444. 

One of the most important things to do upon seeing the sign from your grandfather is to acknowledge the sign and thank your grandfather for sending it. I usually say things like “Dad, that was a very cool way to show me your sign. Thank you, dad, I love you.” 

Always remember that you are in control of your connection with spirit. Try as much as possible to be in the present, believe in the signs even if you are not sure, connect the signs with what is going on in your life and acknowledge and thank your loved ones in spirit for sending them. 

Maybe even a quick cheer, “Mom, I got the sign, I got the sign” will make you see the next one even sooner.   


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