What Happens When We Die?
We all have a good idea of what people are thinking and feeling when they lose a loved one. The grieving process is different for every individual, but many of our losses have us thinking; “I can’t go on without you”, “I’ll never be the same”, “Why did this happen?”, “I should have done more”, etc.
Some of us become isolated, some of us spend most of the days crying, some develop depression, and some handle the loss surprisingly well.
But when your loved ones cross over into the spirit realm (will be referred to as Spirit), what exactly is going on with them? Where are they, what are they doing, can they still feel emotions, can they see you?
The first thing to know is spirit’s priority, when they die, is to be with and watch over you and their loved ones they just left here on earth. Spirit puts their needs temporarily on hold to focus on you, and they try to do whatever they can to support, comfort and guide you for the next month or so from where they are. They know how the loss will affect you so they want to make the transition easier for you to handle, anyway they can.
For about one month after someone dies, the probability of you receiving signs from them is at its highest. Again, the need for them to help you anyway they can, will be their highest priority.
The second thing to know is after a couple of months, the next factor that dictates what happens to spirit is, how did they die? An individual who died instantly in an automobile accident has a different journey than one who took their own life. Someone who has battled cancer for years before they died will have a different journey than one who died by a heart attack. There are many planes in spirit, and each plane is utilized for a different purpose.
These planes have something that is equivalent to schools and depending on what the spirit needs after they die determines which plane they go to.
One main factor in what will happen to someone who dies, is how they lived their life here on earth. Every one of us comes to this earth to learn lessons. It is your job to figure out why you are here and which lessons you need to experience and learn.
How do you do that? You start by figuring out your purpose. Your purpose and the lessons you need to learn, coincide with each other. One way to start figuring out your purpose, is having a full understanding and acceptance of who you are.
I don’t mean who your personality is, I mean who your soul is, i.e., who authentically are you? If I ask a person, “who are you?”, they may start with “I’m a nurse.” But prior to going to school for nursing, the individual was not a nurse, but they still existed right? So, being a nurse is their profession, but that’s not necessarily who they are.
Maybe who they are is a soul that has a need to help people and to heal people, thus why they went into nursing to begin with. That would be an example of being in sync with your soul and passion and setting yourself up to learn most of your lessons here on earth. However, maybe this individual became a nurse because their mother and grandmother were nurses, and there was a belief picked up that it’s a great profession, great salary, and the decision to become a nurse had nothing to do with their soul’s purpose. Maybe their soul’s purpose was to be a musician, to heal people with music. If that’s the case, this individual will learn lessons in the nursing profession, but the passion would be missing, therefore, the bulk of the lessons may not be learned in this lifetime.
The more you can strip your layers away and connect with and get in sync with your soul, the easier it is to figure out who you are, and you will be closer to figuring out your purpose. If you can do that and learn your lessons, you have more power to decide where and what you want to do in spirit. You may want to continue to learn in spirit, in one of the schools, you may want to help others entering spirit after death, or you may choose to be reincarnated at some point and have another life here on earth.
An individual who took their life will have a much different experience. They most likely will go to a plane where the school is designed for resting and thinking about the life that just ended. This school is more about dissecting the choices made and the lessons not learned in the earth’s experience. This individual will be left with unfinished business and will remain stagnant in this school. Eventually, they will decide they need to reincarnate, so they can fulfill their mission and complete their lessons that they did not in the previous life.
One thing I have learned by doing so many readings and chatting with spirit, whether your loved ones in spirit reincarnate or not, is that they are always ready and available to communicate with you at any point. Our bodies will eventually die but our souls are eternal. It’s like a house being renovated several times, the outside and inside may look different but the house, the foundation, is the same.
Several years ago, a friend of mine went to see an individual who performed past-live readings. At the end of his session, he asked if his mother was around? The person doing the reading said no because she was reincarnated, so she is no longer around. THAT IS NOT TRUE AT ALL.
An eternal soul is like the base or trunk of a tree. Every personality that temporarily controls that soul will become a branch off that tree when they die. The branch is forever and that is why your loved ones in spirit will always be with you, and available when you need them regardless of whether they have reincarnated or not.
Your loved ones in spirit usually retain the same personality they had here on earth. They communicate using energy, and they feel emotions differently than how we feel emotions. “Time” is also not the same in spirit as it is here. They see you, hear you, are with you, guide you, and constantly send signs to you to let you know they are around.
The best advice I can give you, when you do see a sign from your loved ones in spirit, ACKNOWLEDGE it. Use your voice to say, “Mom, I got your message, I saw the cardinal you sent me, thank you for doing that, I can’t wait for the next sign you send me, I love you. Doing that means the world to spirit, and moves your connection with spirit a little closer, and makes it a little easier to see the next sign.